Koh Chang's Database spayed/neuterd Animals with Microchips, Brandings or Tattoos

With Tattoo

Cat female, has an owner from Check Bae, spayed by DLD and AVKG


Dog, Female, has an owner from Check Bae, spayed by DLD and AVKG

900 115002546887

Male Dog, has an owner, neuterd by AVKG and DLD from Check Bae


Female Dog, has a owner, from Chack Bae, spayed by AVKG and DLD


Dog, female from Chack Bae village, have owner, spayed by AVKG and DLD


Dan mai/no owner (live near the hospital) male, neuterd by AVKG


Male, from Chaichet/Cambodian owner, braun, neuterd by AVKG

With Tattoo

Male cat from Kai bae / no owner, neuterd by AVKG

With Tattoo

female cat from Check bae/have owner, spayed by AVKG