Koh Chang's Database spayed/neuterd Animals with Microchips, Brandings or Tattoos

With Tattoo

Cat, Salak Petch, female, has an owner, spayed by AVKG


Dog Check Bae, no ownder, female, streetdog, spayed by AVKG

With Tattoo

Cat, female, has an owner, Salak Petch, spayed by AVKG , 

With Tattoo

cat, owned, male, neuterd by AVKG, Salak Petch

With Tattoo

Cat, salak petch, has an ownder, female, spayed by AVKG

With Tattoo

boy cat from Klong Prao/have owner, neuterd by AVKG

With Tattoo

male cats/white sand beach /have owner, neuterd by AVKG

With Tattoo

male cats/white sand beach /have owner, neuterd by AVKG

With Tattoo

Female cat from Klong son/have owner, spayed by AVKG