With Tattoo 4 dogs from dogcathing Action
2 male and 2 female dogs from dogcatching Action spayed / neutered by AVKC
2 male and 2 female dogs from dogcatching Action spayed / neutered by AVKC
1 dog and 12 cats spayed neuterd by AWKC in Klong Son. All have an owner. Vaccinated 42 animals
1 dog and 2 cats from Slakok / 1 dog and 2 cats from Dankoa/ 1 dog and 3 cats from Danmai / have owner
Spaying action in Klong Son 8 cats, all have owners, spyayed by AWKC
Spay action in Klong Prao / all hove owners / 26 cats and 6 dogs / with Tattoo
female cat from Klong son/have owner/adopted from AVKC and spayed by AVKC