Koh Chang's Database spayed/neuterd Animals with Microchips, Brandings or Tattoos

With Tattoo

Male dog from Suansom / no owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female dog from Suanson / has owner / spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Male dog from Suansom / no owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female dog from Suansom / no owner / catch by Soi dog / spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Male cat from Suansom / has owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Male dog from Suansom / has owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Boy Cat from Suansom/have owner, neuterd by AVKC