All Microchips are placed at the right side on the neck/schoulder
(Abbreviations: AWKC/AVKC – Anima Welfare Koh Chang/Animal Voice Koh Chang: DLD – official veterinary office from the govermet : SDF – Soi Dog Foundation, Phuket)
Female Dogs get a Microchip, Male a Tattoo inside the ear. (you see if they are neuterd) All Dogs and cats which are spayed/neuterd get vaccinations, especially against rabies and since 2022 also against Distemper 5:1. Cats get a Tattoo and a vaccination against rabies.
The database started in 2017. Free castrations have been carried out on Koh Chang since 2015, most sponserd by “Tierschutz für vergessene Seelen” – Partner of “Animal Welfare Koh Chang” till today.
Cats and male dogs get a Tattoo
Female Dogs get a Microchip