With Tattoo
Male dog from Salakkok / has owner / neutered by AVKC
Bb is a paralyzed boy that lives in the Help Point of Animal Voice Koh Chang in Klong Son. Owner AVKC
Jojo streetdog, male neuterd by AVKC had both hips dislocated from Salakpech/no owner till he is fine again at the Help Point.
Hunter form Nancy, volunteer AVKG Help Point. Neuterd by AVKG. Dan Mai.
Beepo, Boy, adpoted to Switzerland. Waiting for his traveldate in May 2022. Living at Help Point of AVKG, neuterd by AVKG
Malu, on the right side, Boy at AVKG Help Point surching a home, neuterd by AVKG
Mizu cat female, FELV Positive at the Help Point for recovery, has a broken legs. Spayed by AVKG
Point, Animal Voice Dog. Male, lives at the help point. Point had an ingrown chain on the neck. neuterd by AVKG
Boy dog castration, Name Coconut, will go to Belgium, was at the Help Point, spayed by AVKG
Blake, Animal Voice Help Point, male, neuterd by AVKG, owner Patricia Peksa. Blake found a home in BKK.
Pepper, female, spayed, living at the Help Point of AVKG in Klong Son, Owner: Animal Voice Koh Chang.
Krista, female, spayed , living at the Help Point of AVKG, Owner: Animal Voice Koh Chang, Klong Son
Dog, Old Boy, male, neuterd, Klong Son at the Help Point of Animal Voice Koh Chang, Owner: Animal Voice Koh Chang
Adam, boy, blind Dog belongs to AVKG, he will life in the Help Point in Klong Son.