Koh Chang's Database spayed/neuterd Animals with Microchips, Brandings or Tattoos

With Tattoo

Male dog from DanKao / has owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Male dog from DanKao / has owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female dog from Dankao / has owner / spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female dog from Dankao / has owner / spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Male cat from Dankao / has owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female cat from Dankao / has owner / spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Male cat from Dan Lao / no owner / neutered by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female cat from Dankao / has owner / spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Female cat from Dan Kao / has owner/ spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

male cat from Dan Kao / has owner / neutred by AVKC

With Tattoo

female cat from Dankao spayed by AVKC /has owner

With Tattoo

female cat from Dankao spayed by AVKC / has owner

With Tattoo

Male dog from Dan Kaoh, has owners, neuterd by AVKC

With Tattoo

males cat/Dan kao/have owner, neuterd by AVKC

With Tattoo

males cat/Dan kao/have owner, neuterd by AVKC

With Tattoo

female cat /dan kao/have owner, adopted from AVKC spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

female cats from Dankao/have owner, adopted from AVKC, Spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

female cats from Dankao/have owner, adopted from AVKC, Spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Dankoaw temple near ferry centrepoit, Boy, now for recovery at the Help Point of AV. Neuterd by AVKC


female dog from Dankao/have owner adopted from AVKC Spayed by AVKC

With Tattoo

Boy dog from Dankao/ have owner, neuterd by AVKC

With Tattoo

Cat boys from Dankao/have owner, neuterd by AVKC

With Tattoo

Cat boys from Dankao/have owner, neuterd by AVKC

With Tattoo

1 boy from Dankao/have owner, neuterd by AVKC